From the desk of Founder


I have always felt that having the opportunity to educate children through is a rare privilege and holistic development of a Kid and to prepare kids for happiness and success in their adult lives is very important. We are driven by the belief that every child is unique and children are the heartbeat of our all kind of educational endeavour. We at ‘The Little Girl’s Foundation’ promote children’s right with the aim of addressing holistic development through our six different projects (Banks) i.e. The Little Girl’s Book Bank, The Little Girl’s Food Bank, The Little Girl’s Job Bank, The Little Girl’s Plant Bank, The Little Girl’s Toy Bank, The Little Girl’s Wardrobe Bank. The Little Girl’s Foundation aim to promote social and economic justice for underprivileged Kids across the globe. I believe that happy child are more likely to be successful and I am committed to bringing out broaden the horizons of society by foster confidence, perseverance, tolerance and integrity; enhance communication skills; embrace creativity; and promote an open-minded approach so that the Underprivileged children by providing holistic development and make them ready to play an active role in nation building. We have a dedicated team who are keenly interested in the welfare of this philanthropic initiative. I am extremely glad to bringing joy in life of every child.


I believe that ‘The Little Girl’s Foundation’ is born of a dream to ensure happier childhoods for every underprivileged kid. I personally believe that children are the foundation of every nation’s growth and development aspirations. This came as a surprise to me that my daughters at such a young age have devotion for ‘Sharing is Caring’ and frankly speaking I was proud father at that very moment. It was this moment that fueled my passion for children’s rights. The Little Girl’s foundation works under the flagship of its six projects (Banks) at the grassroots level to create sustainable change for underprivileged children globally We vision to make a positive impact on the lives of underprivileged children and would also extent my thanks to one and all who are giving there unwavering support to ‘The Little Girl’s Foundation’. Also, being a father of two beautiful girls, I have seen that children are like clay and its only us who can motivate them by enabling children to realize their full potential. At the end, I would leave a thought for all of you, “Imagine what the future could hold if each one of us came together to support every underprivileged child’s right to a happy childhood; because even the smallest acts of kindness and generosity make a big difference!”

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