About the Foundation

About US

The Little Girl’s Foundation is all about what makes an underprivileged kid grow at a heady pace, expand its strength, build a valuable brand and stand tall in its competition globally. We understand the purpose and acquisition of the values, knowledge and skills of the underprivileged kids of the society. We are engaged in the acquisition, integration, evaluation and utilization of these critical and basic components to inform their practice and development and to prepare them to work to alleviate poverty, oppression, and discrimination, and promote social and economic justice for underprivileged Kids across the globe through its six different projects (Banks) that are: The Little Girl’s Book Bank, The Little Girl’s Food Bank, The Little Girl’s Job Bank, The Little Girl’s Plant Bank, The Little Girl’s Toy Bank and The Little Girl’s Wardrobe Bank We at ‘The Little Girl’s Foundation’ believe that the happiest people in the world are those who devote themselves to the service of others. Our Vision is to serve humanity so all may live as God intended and justice prevails for underprivileged Kids in the society

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