CD Drive

Collection Drive

You can donate books from hundreds of genres such as fiction and non-fiction, school textbooks, university textbooks etc. But Books should meet our condition guidelines, and if they don’t meet our criteria, we can’t accept them. While we would love to help you recycle all your old books we can’t accept books with any of the following defects: tears to the cover, missing or loose pages, damage to the binding, fire or smoke damage, water damage or badly stained. Check out our Book Condition Guidelines for further details:

Distribution Drive

The books which meet our criteria subsequently go for Pre – Assessment and then on the basis of research and study conducted by Pre – Assessment Books are packed with the tags of Donor and/or sponsor and then distributed and dispatched to unprivileged kids at Anganwadis, Shelter Homes, Orphanages, and Educational Centers etc. on ‘Distribution Day’. At distribution Day we also click photograph of the kid receiving toy and send it to respective donor and sponsor. The book donation drive is to sensitize the underprivileged younger generation aware of the value of things and promote quality education and a favorable environment for underprivileged kids.

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